curosity is for real

my first encounter with a mexican cock,it was thick, i stopped at a xxbook store named romantix, went in and looked aroumd and slowly ease my way to the booths, looked in each one and found a booth with a glory hole, sat down watch a couple of videos, no turn on there, looked in the glory hole, and there he was strocking his dick, harder and harder , he knew i was watching, so he put it in the hole and it licked it and sucked his big head until it got so hard he wanted to fuck my ass, my first time ever, i backed my ass to the hole, he worked his dick in me slowly, i didnt realized his cock wa… Daha fazlasını okun

İletiyi yazan robertnorman 4 yıl önce 6

Retired and ready to play

Looking for fun and excitement. lets do some videos, love the chub, they shoots heavy loads, and fuck good, or maybe some trannys, i dont have alot of interest in women, i still love them, but iam hot for the guys cum, contact me here, lets play, hotel meeting etc, dark room playground , lots of viagra or cialis, what ever,,… Daha fazlasını okun

İletiyi yazan robertnorman 5 yıl önce 4